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More Supply Chain Disruptions

Most businesses favor a “just in time” inventory system, where businesses keep just enough supplies on hand to meet demand. The strategy frees up cash and avoids waste. But it means there isn’t as much flexibility when circumstances change. There may be more pain to come even as distributors and chip makers step up to meet supply challenges.

Longer lead times and availability of inventory have been the biggest pandemic related supply chain impacts. The pandemic related disruptions in supply chains have causing significant delays. Supply chain disruptions have become a major challenge for the global economy since the start of the pandemic. Shutdowns of factories in China, lockdowns in several countries across the world, labor shortages, robust demand for tradable goods, disruptions to logistics networks, and capacity constraints have resulted in big increases in freight costs and delivery times.

Your continued success, even during the global impact of the pandemic, remains paramount as we are fully operational at all locations. The entire IBS Electronics global team is working tirelessly to provide the world’s broadest selection of electronic components in stock and available. We have partnered with customers all over the world who are adapting and innovating with solutions positively impacting the frontlines during this crisis.

We do not anticipate any supply chain disruptions due to the conflict in Ukraine. None of our suppliers are anticipating any supply chain disruptions.