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WasteX's Climate-Tech Initiative Accelerates Adoption in the Philippines

Published: 7.27.2023

WasteX, a climate-tech company operating in the Philippines and Indonesia, is fast-tracking the use of biochar in the Philippines. Biochar is a charcoal-like substance derived from biomass, such as wood, agricultural waste, or manure. It is produced through a process called pyrolysis, which involves heating biomass in the absence of oxygen.

WasteX has been working with poultry farms in the Philippines to test the use of biochar. The results have been promising, with the company reporting a number of benefits, including:

  • A 25% reduction in chicken mortality rate
  • A 30% decrease in overall bedding use
  • A 10% increase in egg production
  • A near-complete eradication of the E. coli bacteria

WasteX is now working to scale up the use of biochar in the Philippines. The company plans to work with other agricultural sectors, such as rice farming and aquaculture, to test the use of biochar in these areas.

WasteX's efforts to fast-track the use of biochar in the Philippines are a positive step for the country's climate and agricultural sectors. Biochar has the potential to help the Philippines reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and improve its food security.

"The future of biochar in the Philippines is bright. WasteX's efforts to scale up the use of biochar are likely to be successful, and the company's work is likely to inspire other companies to adopt biochar. Biochar has the potential to make a significant contribution to the Philippines' climate and agricultural sectors, and its use is likely to grow in the coming years.

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