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Tesla Supercharger Network Expands to Include Polestar Vehicles

Published: 6.29.2023

Polestar, the Swedish electric vehicle (EV) maker, has announced that it will adopt Tesla's Supercharger network in the United States and Canada starting in 2025. The move will give Polestar owners access to Tesla's extensive network of fast-charging stations, which currently totals over 30,000 in North America.

Polestar is not the first non-Tesla EV maker to adopt Tesla's Supercharger network. General Motors and Rivian Automotive have also announced plans to do so. The move is a sign of the growing acceptance of Tesla's Supercharger network as the de facto standard for fast charging in North America.

Tesla's Supercharger network is known for its fast-charging speeds and wide availability. The network's average charging speed is 250 kW, which can add up to 100 miles of range in just 15 minutes. Tesla also has a mobile app that allows users to locate and reserve Superchargers in advance.

Polestar's decision to adopt Tesla's Supercharger network is a major coup for Tesla. It gives Tesla a major advantage over other EV makers, as it will now be able to offer its customers access to the largest and fastest charging network in North America. It also gives Tesla a way to generate revenue from non-Tesla owners, who will need to pay a fee to use the Supercharger network.

The move is also a major win for Polestar owners. It will give them access to a vast network of fast-charging stations, which will make it easier for them to travel long distances in their EVs. It will also give them peace of mind, knowing that they will always be able to find a place to charge their cars when they need to.

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