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SIA Urges US to Refrain from Further Semiconductor Restrictions on China

Published: 7.25.2023

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) has urged the U.S. government to refrain from further restrictions on semiconductor technology to China. The SIA said that the government should engage more extensively with industry and experts to assess the impact of current and potential restrictions.

The SIA's call for halting more restrictions was supported by industry executives meeting with top Biden administration officials in Washington this week. The executives said that further restrictions could harm the U.S. semiconductor industry and make it more difficult for the country to compete with China.

Mark Lewis, an analyst at Benchmark, warned that the U.S. government needs to be careful not to overshoot with restrictions on semiconductor technology to China. He said that if the government imposes too many restrictions, it could lead to higher prices for semiconductors in the U.S., which would hurt American consumers and businesses.

The Biden administration has said that it is committed to working with allies to address the challenge posed by China's rise in the semiconductor industry. However, the administration has also said that it is considering further restrictions on semiconductor technology to China.

It remains to be seen whether the Biden administration will heed the SIA's call and refrain from further restrictions on semiconductor technology to China. However, the SIA's concerns are likely to be taken seriously by the administration, as the U.S. semiconductor industry is a critical part of the U.S. economy.

The future of the global semiconductor industry is uncertain. However, the SIA's call for dialogue and the Biden administration's commitment to working with allies are positive steps. These steps could help to ensure that the global semiconductor industry remains strong and competitive.

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