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SIA Calls for National Effort to Address Skilled Worker Shortage in Tech Industry

Published: 8.2.2023

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) has recently collaborated with Oxford Economics to publish a study, revealing a significant deficiency of skilled workers in the semiconductor field within the United States.

The study projects a requirement for an additional 67,000 skilled workers in the semiconductor industry by the year 2030. Regrettably, the current pipeline of graduates is only anticipated to produce 58% of the needed workforce. This deficit is likely to have a substantial impact on the U.S. economy, given that the semiconductor industry plays a pivotal role in driving innovation and fostering economic growth.

The study further indicates a broader shortage of skilled workers in technical domains, where approximately 1.4 million workers are projected to be required by 2030. Several factors contribute to this scarcity, including the increasing complexity of semiconductor chips, the aging workforce, and a lack of diversity in the technology sector.

To tackle this pressing issue, the SIA has proposed a series of recommendations:

  1. Increase funding for STEM education.
  2. Expand apprenticeship programs.
  3. Attract and retain international talent.
  4. Promote diversity in the technology workforce.

These recommendations align with the viewpoints of esteemed engineering educators who have stressed the need for a nationwide effort to address the dearth of skilled workers in the technology industry. Investing in STEM education, creating more apprenticeship opportunities, and facilitating the retention of international graduates in the country are vital steps put forth by these educators.

The shortage of skilled workers in the semiconductor industry has significant implications for the U.S. economy. Nevertheless, the SIA's recommendations and the alignment with engineering educators' perspectives present a clear path to tackle this challenge and maintain the U.S.'s leadership in the global semiconductor sector.