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Rydberg Technologies Unveils Long-Range Atomic RF Tech

Published: 1.4.2024

Michigan-based Rydberg Technologies has made waves in the world of communication with the successful demonstration of long-range atomic RF communication based on a revolutionary quantum sensor. This groundbreaking technology, showcased at the recent at the recent U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) C5ISR Center Network Modernization Experiment 2023 (NetModX23) event, holds immense potential for secure and robust communication in demanding environments.

The Rydberg atomic receiver showcased exceptional unparalleled across high-frequency (HF) to super high-frequency (SHF) bands, showcasing over-the-air atomic RF communication capabilities at extended distances. This historic demonstration took place in a practical operational setting, with the atomic receiver establishing new industry benchmarks for size, performance, and environmental resilience in Rydberg atom quantum sensors. Key features highlighted in the company's sensing technology included signal selectivity, low detection probability, and resistance to unwanted interference in contested electromagnetic environments.

David A. Anderson, Ph.D., CEO of Rydberg Technologies, emphasized the significance of their atomic receiver prototype's successful deployment under real-world conditions, marking a crucial advancement in the quantum technology landscape. He noted that this achievement showcased the potential for transitioning Rydberg atom quantum technologies from laboratory settings to practical applications.

In comparison to conventional antennas, Rydberg atomic receivers present a distinctive set of attributes such as high sensitivity, selectivity, and wideband coverage utilizing a single atomic detector element. These Rydberg atom devices hold the promise of revolutionizing RF surveillance, safety, and communication capabilities across various frequency bands, ranging from long-wavelength RF to millimeter-wave and THz bands.

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