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Nvidia and Recursion Partner to Accelerate AI Drug Discovery

Published: 7.13.2023

Chipmaker Nvidia has announced a $50 million investment in Recursion Pharmaceuticals, a biotech company that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate drug discovery. The investment will help Recursion to scale up its AI platform and train its models on Nvidia's cloud platform.

Recursion is developing a platform called Recursion OS that uses AI to identify and prioritize drug targets, design new molecules, and predict the safety and efficacy of potential drugs. The company has already used its platform to identify new targets for a number of diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and pain.

Nvidia's investment is a significant vote of confidence in Recursion's AI platform. It also signals Nvidia's growing interest in the field of AI-driven drug discovery. Nvidia has been investing heavily in AI in recent years, and it sees the pharmaceutical industry as a major growth market for its technology.

The investment from Nvidia is a major milestone for Recursion. It will help the company to accelerate its drug discovery efforts and bring new treatments to patients sooner. It also validates Recursion's approach to using AI to drug discovery.

"We are thrilled to partner with Nvidia to accelerate our mission to transform drug discovery," said Recursion CEO Chris Gibson. "Nvidia's leadership in AI and computing will help us to scale our platform and bring new treatments to patients faster."

The investment from Nvidia is just the latest in a series of recent developments that have highlighted the growing potential of AI in drug discovery. In recent years, a number of AI-driven drug discovery companies have raised significant funding, and a number of major pharmaceutical companies have begun to invest in AI.

As AI technology continues to mature, it is likely to play an increasingly important role in drug discovery. AI has the potential to revolutionize the drug discovery process, making it faster, more efficient, and more effective. The investment from Nvidia is a sign that the pharmaceutical industry is taking AI seriously, and it is likely to lead to further investment in this area in the years to come.

How AI is being used in drug discovery

AI is transforming the landscape of drug discovery through various applications. Its aiding in target identification by analyzing vast amounts of biological and chemical data, enabling the identification of new potential drug targets.

AI is utilized in drug design, facilitating the creation of novel molecules that can interact effectively with specific targets. Furthermore, AI plays a crucial role in predicting the safety and efficacy of potential drugs prior to human testing, providing valuable insights.

Moreover, AI will automate several labor-intensive tasks involved in drug discovery, such as data analysis and molecule screening, streamlining the overall workflow.

The integration of AI in drug discovery holds immense potential to significantly expedite the process, ultimately allowing for the swift introduction of new treatments to patients. However, certain challenges must be addressed to fully harness AI's capabilities in drug discovery.

Data availability poses a significant hurdle, as large datasets of biological and chemical information, often proprietary, can be challenging to access. Ensuring the accuracy of AI models is crucial, yet evaluating their precision can be complex, with potential biases stemming from the training datasets. Additionally, interpretability remains an important aspect, as comprehending the decision-making processes of complex AI models can prove challenging.

Nevertheless, AI remains a promising technology poised to revolutionize the drug discovery process. As AI continues to advance and mature, its role in drug discovery is expected to grow increasingly significant, shaping the future of pharmaceutical research and development.

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