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Murata's Inductor Factory Continues to Shut Down, Supply Chain Fluctuations May Lead to Substitution Opportunities

Published: 1.24.2024

At the beginning of the new year, an earthquake occurred in Japan, which affected many semiconductor manufacturers. Among them, many Murata factories were greatly affected by the earthquake. On January 17, Murata updated the disaster situation announcement and announced the latest progress of all 13 Hokuriku factories affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake. 


Most of the affected factories have gradually resumed production since January 9. However, Himi Murata Manufacturing, WAKURA Manufacturing, and Shasana Water Manufacturing are still suspended. The announcement stated that Himi Murata Manufacturing expects to gradually resume production from early February. WAKURA Manufacturing and Anamizu Manufacturing are still confirming the status of infrastructure and equipment, and the production recovery time has not yet been determined. 


The Hokuriku region of Japan is an important base for the electronic equipment industry and is also regarded as a business center by Murata. A large number of electronic components are developed and produced in the region. As of now, Murata's other 10 factories in the Hokuriku region that produce MLCC and other products have resumed production in an orderly manner. 


Among the three factories that have not yet resumed operations, Himi Manufacturing mainly produces piezoelectric ceramic filters and resonators, Wakura Manufacturing produces resin multilayer substrates, and Anamizu Manufacturing produces inductance products and some noise suppression product devices. 


Anamizu Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was the most affected by the earthquake. A notice from Murata also leaked out in the industry, saying that it is not expected to resume production at Anamizu Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in the short term. 


The impact of the earthquake interrupting production line production must be objective. Piezoelectric ceramic filters, resonators, and inductance products are widely used in consumer wireless equipment such as home appliances and mobile phones, and high-end models of such products are based on customer requirements. The application is highly customizable. 


Considering that Murata has many factories in other parts of Japan, and the previous capacity utilization rate has not reached the upper limit, it stands to reason that the impact of the short shutdown caused by the earthquake will not be too great. However, Murata's downstream supply chain is still affected to varying degrees, especially the inductor series responsible for Anamizu Manufacturing. 

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