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Intel Wins Partial Victory in $2.18 Billion Patent Dispute, Case Sent Back for Retrial

Published: 12.14.2023

In a major legal setback for VLSI Technology, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has overturned a jury's 2021 verdict that Intel infringed one of its patents. The decision throws out a significant portion of a $2.18 billion award, one of the largest in U.S. patent law history, according to Reuters.

The appeals court found insufficient evidence to support the jury's conclusion that Intel infringed one of the two patents at issue, which accounted for $675 million of the original verdict. However, they upheld the jury's decision regarding Intel's infringement of the second VLSI patent and sent the case back to Texas for a new trial to determine damages.

This ruling represents a partial victory for Intel, reducing its potential liability by a substantial amount. The company expressed satisfaction with the outcome, stating that the decision "affirms our position that we do not infringe VLSI's asserted patents." VLSI, on the other hand, expressed disappointment and vowed to continue pursuing its claims in the retrial.

Market analysts are currently assessing the potential impact of this ruling on Intel's stock price. It is expected that the uncertainty surrounding the litigation could continue to weigh on the stock in the short term. However, a successful outcome in the retrial could boost investor confidence and lead to a positive market reaction.

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