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Global Semiconductor Materials Market Reaches Record $73 Billion in 2022

Published: 6.22.2023

The global semiconductor materials market experienced significant growth in 2022, expanding by 8.9% and reaching a record value of $72.7 billion, as reported by SEMI, the global industry association representing the electronics manufacturing and design supply chain.


Revenue generated from wafer fabrication materials amounted to $44.7 billion, while packaging materials revenue reached $28.0 billion, indicating growth rates of 10.5% and 6.3%, respectively.

Within the wafer fabrication materials market, the segments of silicon, electronic gases, and photomask demonstrated the strongest growth, while the organic substrates segment largely drove the growth of the packaging materials market.


This robust growth in the semiconductor materials market can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, it is fueled by the continuous expansion of the global semiconductor industry. Additionally, the increasing demand for advanced semiconductor devices, driven by applications such as 5G and artificial intelligence, contributes to the market's growth. Furthermore, the rising adoption of new technologies further amplifies the demand for semiconductor materials.


Looking ahead, the semiconductor materials market is expected to sustain its growth trajectory in the coming years, aligned with the continued expansion of the global semiconductor industry. Forecasts indicate that the market will reach a value of $88.2 billion by 2026.


However, the market also faces certain challenges. The increasing cost of semiconductor materials presents a potential impact on the profitability of the semiconductor industry. 


Moreover, the shortage of specific semiconductor materials poses a risk of disrupting the supply chain for the semiconductor industry. Additionally, the growing complexity of semiconductor devices presents difficulties in the development of new semiconductor materials.


Despite these challenges, the global semiconductor materials market is expected to persevere and continue its growth in the foreseeable future. Driven by the ongoing expansion of the global semiconductor industry, the increasing demand for advanced semiconductor devices, and the rising adoption of new technologies, the market is projected to reach a value of $88.2 billion by 2026.