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Global Chip Sales Show Slight Growth in April

Published: 6.13.2023

According to the recent report Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) released, the global semiconductor sales experienced a slight month-to-month increase of 0.3% in April, reaching $40.0 billion. This growth can be attributed to strong demand in the automotive and industrial sectors, as well as the gradual easing of the global chip shortage.

Although sales have improved, the SIA still anticipates a decline in global semiconductor sales for 2023, projecting a 10.3% decrease. However, a rebound is expected in 2024 with an estimated growth rate of 11.9%.

The SIA, representing a significant portion of the semiconductor industry, remains cautiously optimistic about the industry's outlook. While acknowledging headwinds in the global economy, the organization believes the semiconductor industry is well-prepared to overcome these challenges.

The positive April sales figures indicate encouraging progress for the semiconductor industry. The sustainability of this trend will depend on various factors and uncertainties in the global economy. Despite these challenges, the industry is poised for long-term growth due to the increasing demand driven by technologies like artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and 5G.

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