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DoD Invests in Secure Semiconductors to Strengthen National Security

Published: 9.22.2023

The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) disclosed significant financial allotments totaling $238 million for the establishment of eight regional innovation hubs as part of the CHIPS and Science Act initiative.

These hubs have been strategically designed to expedite the progression of hardware prototyping and the “lab-to-fab” transition of semiconductor technologies, catering to a more secure edge/IoT, 5G/6G, AI hardware, quantum technology, and electromagnetic warfare, among other critical domains.

These regional innovation hubs will be strategically situated in key locations across the United States, including Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, and Texas. These hubs will be spearheaded by educational institutions and non-profit entities, in collaboration with both private sector and government partners.

DOD's financial commitment to these innovation hubs aligns with a broader agenda of fortifying the United States' semiconductor industry, aimed at safeguarding the nation's technological superiority. Semiconductors form the backbone of numerous essential products and services, ranging from national security systems to commercial aviation and medical devices.

Furthermore, the DOD has also extended a substantial 10-year contract valued at up to $3.1 billion to GlobalFoundries. This contract pertains to the secure manufacturing of domestically produced semiconductors. These semiconductors will play a pivotal role in the deployment of critical aerospace and defense applications.

The GlobalFoundries contract will facilitate the development and production of advanced semiconductor components, integral to a diverse array of military and aerospace applications.

DOD's investments in semiconductor research, development, and manufacturing serve as a cornerstone in maintaining the technological advantage of the U.S. military, bolstering national security efforts.

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