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Cyberwarfare on the Rise: 66% of DoS Attacks Driven by Geopolitical Tensions

Published: 12.13.2023

Key takeaways:

  • The most affected sector was the government administration sector, accounting for receiving 46% of attacks.
  • It is estimated that 66% of the attacks were motivated by political reasons or activist agendas.
  • Overall, 50% of the global incidents were found to be related to the Russian-Ukrainian war.
  • The study shows that 8% of the attacks caused total disruption in the target.

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has released a report highlighting the increasing role of warfare and geopolitics in fueling Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. A staggering 66% of these attacks are now found to be politically motivated, highlighting a worrying trend of cyberwarfare tactics being employed on a global scale.

DoS attacks aim to overwhelm a target server with illegitimate traffic, effectively shutting it down and denying access to legitimate users. These attacks have become increasingly sophisticated and widespread in recent years, particularly in the public administration sector.

ENISA's report specifically points to the rise of new DoS techniques driven by geopolitical agendas. These sophisticated attacks often involve the use of botnets, large networks of compromised computers, and reflect a worrying collaboration between nation-states and cybercriminal groups.

The report's findings raise serious concerns about the growing threat of cyberwarfare. With nearly two-thirds of DoS attacks now politically motivated, governments and organizations need to be more vigilant than ever before.

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