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China's Computing Industry Has Entered a New Stage of High-quality Development

Published: 8.25.2023

The 2022-2023 Global Computing Index jointly written by IDC, INSPUR, and Tsinghua IGI has been officially released. The report focuses on the driving role of computing in economic development and analyzes the changes in demand for computing and future trends from 15 countries such as the United States, China, Japan, Germany, and India, on industries such as the Internet, manufacturing, and finance, and emerging technologies.


The report shows that in 2022, the overall server market size in China will still maintain a growth rate of 6.9%, reaching 27 billion US dollars, accounting for 25% of the global market and firmly ranking second only to the United States. Among them, the size of China's accelerated server market reached 7.07 billion US dollars in 2022, accounting for over 20% of the overall server market size. 


The compound growth rate from 2017 to 2022 reached 48.8%, ranking first in the world in terms of growth rate. IDC predicts that the size of China's accelerated server market will grow by more than twice in 2027 compared to 2022. Currently, the development of data centers in China places greater emphasis on technological innovation and improvement, with technological innovation and improvement, as well as environmental sustainability and energy efficiency.


The report shows that applications led by AIGC (Generative AI) have shown strong performance, driving rapid and sustained growth in intelligent computing. IDC predicts that the global AI computing market will grow from $19.5 billion in 2022 to $34.66 billion in 2026 and its proportion in the overall AI computing market will increase from 4.2% to 31.7%, becoming an important engine driving the current and future innovation and development of industries such as the Internet, manufacturing, finance, education, and healthcare.


From the perspective of the ranking of the national computing index, the evaluation report evaluates the four dimensions: comprehensive computing power, computing efficiency, application level, and infrastructure support


The country is divided into three tiers: leader country (with a score of over 60 points), catcher country (with a score of 40-60 points), and starter country (with a score of below 40 points). The United States and China are still in the top two, both in leading positions; Catcher countries include Japan, Germany, Singapore, the United Kingdom, France, India, Canada, South Korea, Ireland, and Australia; The starting countries include Italy, Brazil, and South Africa.


From an industry perspective, the top 5 global computing industries are the internet, manufacturing, finance, telecommunications, and government. The manufacturing industry surpassed the financial industry for the first time, ranking second globally. At the same time, the IT input-output ratio in the manufacturing industry performs better. Among the top 30 manufacturing companies worldwide, every $1 invested in IT can drive a revenue output of $45 and a profit output of $6.

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