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Canadian Tech Firms Urged to Tap into the Philippine Market: A Win-Win Opportunity for Both Nations

Published: 7.4.2023

The Philippines is a growing tech hub in Southeast Asia, and Canadian tech firms are being urged to invest in the country.

A webinar held by Digital Pilipinas, the Canadian Association of Business in the Philippines (CABC), and the Canadian embassy on July 6 highlighted the opportunities for Canadian tech firms in the Philippines.

The webinar, titled "Philippine Tech Market Opportunities," featured speakers from the Philippine government, the tech industry, and the Canadian embassy.

The speakers at the conference engaged in a comprehensive discussion on the impressive economic growth of the Philippines. They emphasized the country's remarkable progress, attributing it to various factors, including its young and tech-savvy population. With a large percentage of its citizens being tech-savvy, the Philippines has become an attractive market for tech-based industries.

Jekki Pascual, executive director of Digital Pilipinas, said that the Philippines is a very attractive market for Canadian tech firms. The director cited the country's large and growing population of tech-savvy consumers, as well as its strategic location for businesses looking to expand into Southeast Asia.

The webinar also featured a panel discussion with Canadian tech firms that are already operating in the Philippines. The panelists discussed their experiences in the Philippines and the challenges and opportunities they faced.

"The Philippines is a great place to do business," said one panelist. "The government is very supportive of the tech industry, and the people are very welcoming."

Another panelist said that the biggest challenge for Canadian tech firms in the Philippines is the language barrier. However, they said that this challenge can be overcome with a little effort.

Overall, the webinar was a positive event that highlighted the opportunities for Canadian tech firms in the Philippines. The speakers and panelists provided valuable insights into the Philippine tech market, and they encouraged Canadian tech firms to consider investing in the Philippines.

In addition to the webinar, the CABC is also organizing a trade mission to the Philippines in September. The trade mission will provide Canadian tech firms with the opportunity to meet with potential partners and investors in the Philippines.

If you are a Canadian tech firm that is interested in investing in the Philippines, I encourage you to contact the CABC or Digital Pilipinas. They can provide you with more information about the opportunities in the Philippines and help you connect with potential partners and investors.

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