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California and Truck Makers Partner to Reduce Emissions

Published: 7.14.2023

California inked a first-in-the-nation deal with top truck manufacturers to advance the development of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). The deal, which includes a commitment to 100% clean truck sales by 2036, is a major step forward in California's efforts to reduce air pollution and fight climate change.

The deal will require truck manufacturers to sell a certain percentage of ZEVs in California each year. The percentage will gradually increase over time, until 100% of new trucks sold in the state are ZEVs by 2036.

The deal also includes provisions to help truck manufacturers develop and deploy ZEVs. For example, the state will provide funding for research and development, and it will help to build the necessary infrastructure for charging and refueling ZEVs.

The deal is a major victory for environmental groups, who have been pushing for California to take action to reduce emissions from trucks. The deal is also a sign that the trucking industry is taking climate change seriously.

The deal is expected to have a significant impact on the trucking industry. It will require truck manufacturers to invest in new technologies and to develop new business models. It will also create new jobs in the clean transportation sector.

The deal is a major step forward for California and for the trucking industry. It is a sign that both sides are committed to reducing emissions and fighting climate change.

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