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The Philippines and Korea Collaborate to Boost Dairy Production with AI Technology

Published: 5.20.2024

In a significant move to advance the local dairy industry, the provincial government of Negros Occidental has partnered with the Korean firm ThinkforBL to implement state-of-the-art AI technology aimed at enhancing milk production.

The collaboration focuses on a four-month research and demonstration trial utilizing ThinkforBL’s Milk-T Artificial Intelligence Technology at the Provincial Livestock Breeding Center and Dairy Farm (PLBCDF) in La Carlota City. The trial seeks to evaluate the technology's effectiveness under local farming conditions and practices.

Both the provincial government and ThinkforBL will have exclusive ownership of the data collected and the results of the trial. This data will be crucial in understanding the specific needs and improvements required for local dairy farms to meet the increasing demand for dairy products

Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson and ThinkforBL CEO Ji Hwan Park formalized this partnership with the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement at the Provincial Capitol. The agreement highlights the mutual benefits anticipated from this trial, particularly in improving dairy farm production efficiency.

"Both parties recognize the importance of digital technology like AI in enhancing productivity and competitiveness," stated the agreement. This venture will not only improve milk production but also provide valuable data on dairy farming practices that can be shared and utilized for future advancements.

The trial involves setting up a comprehensive data acquisition system, including sensors and cameras to monitor individual cows. The collected data will be analyzed to refine milk production processes, aiming to meet the growing demand for dairy products in the region. The National Dairy Authority previously recognized PLBCDF as one of the country’s outstanding dairy farms, underscoring its commitment to quality and safety.

This collaboration is part of Bacolod City's broader efforts to embrace technological innovation across various sectors. Recently, the city has also strengthened cultural ties with Korea’s Andong City, showcasing a commitment to international cooperation.

The results from this trial could potentially revolutionize dairy farming practices in the Philippines, setting a precedent for the use of AI in agriculture. By leveraging AI technology, Bacolod City and Negros Occidental aim to boost their agricultural productivity, ensuring a steady supply of high-quality milk to meet the nutritional and economic needs of the local population.

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