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Astranis Set to Revolutionize Internet Access for 2 Million Filipinos with Satellite Technology

Published: 7.10.2023

In an effort to bridge the digital divide and provide high-speed internet connectivity to underserved regions, Astranis, a leading satellite technology company, announced an ambitious plan to provide satellite internet access to 2 million Filipinos. This groundbreaking initiative is poised to revolutionize connectivity in the Philippines, unlocking vast opportunities for education, entrepreneurship, and economic growth.

Astranis' satellites are made to be more compact and less expensive than conventional satellites, which makes them ideal for bringing the internet to isolated and underserved places. It will be the first satellite of its sort to be launched from the United States and will be utilized for the Philippines project.


The deal with the Philippines is Astranis' first major partnership in Asia. The company has also signed deals to provide satellite internet service to Alaska and Peru. Astranis plans to launch a total of 12 satellites by 2025.


The Philippines is a uniquely challenging country to cover with traditional connectivity technologies, like fiber or microwave towers," said Astranis CEO John Gedmark. "Our small satellites are the perfect solution for providing reliable and affordable internet access to millions of Filipinos who currently lack it."


The satellite is expected to launch in 2024. Once it is in orbit, it will provide broadband internet access to schools, hospitals, businesses, and homes across the Philippines. The service is expected to be priced competitively with other satellite internet providers in the country.

"This is a major milestone for Astranis," said Gedmark. "We are excited to partner with Orbits Corp. to bring satellite internet to the Philippines and help bridge the digital divide in the country."


The deal with Astranis is a significant step forward for the Philippines in its efforts to improve internet connectivity. The country has one of the lowest rates of internet penetration in Southeast Asia, and many people in rural areas still lack access to reliable internet services.

The arrival of Astranis's satellite is expected to help close the digital divide in the Philippines and provide millions of people with the opportunity to connect to the internet for the first time.

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